Respect for All: Emotional Wellness

Respect for All: Emotional Wellness

On Friday, May 29th, we are excited that we will be holding our very first virtual Respect For All Day with the theme focused on Mental Health and Wellness. Once again, we will be putting aside all academic classes for the day and hold a full day of online activities to support students’ social and emotional well being. We will be partnering with Minding Your Mind which is an organization whose primary objective is to provide mental health education to adolescents, teenagers, and young adults. One of these activities is watching a live, online presentation given by one of Minding Your Mind’s speakers, a young man, named Scott, who will be talking about his struggle and journey with depression. Scott's presentation will start at 11:00 AM and end around 12:00 PM, including a Q&A afterwards with a Licensed Social Worker present. We HIGHLY recommend that you watch the live presentation with your child. Please click below to read Scott's bio.

After the presentation, our staff and teachers are providing a menu of fun activities that the students can choose from all based around Mental Health and Wellness. Ms. Erica Butler will be sending out a separate email with the schedule and menu of activities the students can choose from on the day of the event.

In preparation for our Respect For All Day, we are asking that ALL students complete the survey on their personal attitudes towards mental illness no later than next Wednesday, May 27. This was sent out via Jupiter Ed!

We are very excited for this day and are certain that it will be an incredible learning experience while at the same time focusing on our mental health and wellness.

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