Field Trips » Field Trips

Field Trips

The Computer School Field Trips

Field trips are an integral part of The Computer School’s curriculum. Students take a variety of trips during their 3 years at the Computer School:

Students will participate in full day, environmentally-centered, community-building trips:

  • 6th Grade–Camp Hidden Valley
  • 7th Grade–Camp Mason
  • 8th Grade--Camp Ramapo


Students will visit museums, cultural institutions, and historical sites:

  • NY Historical Society
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Ellis Island
  • Museum of the Chinese in America
  • Lower East Side Tenement Museum
  • Intrepid Air & Sea Museum
  • Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
  • National Constitution Center
  • New York Hall of Science
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Philadelphia

Students will take walking tours:

  • Upper West Side
  • Chinatown
  • Lower East Side
  • Historic Philadelphia

Students will investigate science outside the classroom:

  • Hudson River
  • Clearwater Sloop
  • Central Park
  • Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

Students will experience dance, poetry, theater, music, as well as history and law through our community partnerships:

  • Lincoln Center Institute
  • New Victory Theater
  • Theater for a New Audience
  • Poet in the House Collaborative
  • Facing History and Ourselves
  • Summer Law Institute
  • Justice Resource Center